St John’s students are curious about their surroundings, and they want to have the tools to courageously improve them. But, this inspired drive to make the world a better place doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It happens with the love, prayers and financial support of friends and family - so thank you for all that you do to support these young learners.
There is one more way that you can help St. John’s Lutheran School: Give to the Annual Fund. The Annual Fund is the source of funds that helps the whole St. John’s experience, not just a single aspect.
Your giving reflects two things: an interest in caring how that gift is spent; and your enthusiasm for building a community. For some families, that is $10. For others, it is $1000 or more. The beauty of an Annual Fund donation is that the amount doesn’t matter, but intent and purpose very much do.
You cannot truly “go all in” for God if you cannot trust God with your money. Generosity is very personal and unique to each giver. The wonderful, universal truth about giving is that it all matters! Large or small, it truly does make a difference.
Jesus is concerned with what we do with our words, service and resources because he is concerned about where our hearts are. The reality is that when we SHARE Christ our hearts are in the right place and we are becoming more and more like Christ.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.